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Logan and Nick’s Wedding at NOW Onyx

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Logan and Nick met 8 years ago while he was still playing for the minor leagues in baseball. The Destify Couple chose a destination wedding after their guestlist for a stateside wedding grew too large and overwhelming. Logan had always envisioned her ceremony on the beach anyhow.


The couple chose the NOW Onyx resort in Punta Cana, of the Dominican Republic. Before the ceremony the couple took their guests on a fun catamran cruise to see more of the Caribbean.

NOW Onyx is a contemporary resort in Punta Cana. A new family section will be added in the future, and elegant ceremony venues include a modern fountain-clad gazebo and the long beachfront. Adults also have full access to Breathless next door, which is adults-only and includes a nightclub and casino. Restaurants to dine at include French, Mexican, and Italian cuisines.


The couple held their wedding ceremony on the beach at 5 pm. They also hosted a private reception, featuring a DJ, food, and dancing. Logan said, “They went above and beyond anything I had ever dreamed of!”

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